Now, I don’t do this all the time because it was defeat the purpose and beauty of spontaneity. But sometimes I do. When I’m meeting people for the first time and want to make a good impression or maybe I’m going on a date or to a networking event – I find it’s important to mentally prep yourself. Just like your muscles need to be warmed up – so does your mind.
You will likely be asked questions like, “What’s new?” “What do you do for fun?” “What’s your story?” – I find it super helpful to ask myself these questions before I enter that social situation. I reflect on it in my head. What have I been up to lately? What books have I been reading? What interesting thoughts or ideas have I been having? What’s something interesting that’s happened in my world recently? I answer and give my mind some fuel and let these thoughts stew in my brain on my way to the interaction. It helps me be a little more prepared. A little more fresh and strengthens the relationship with my new encounters and most importantly, the relationship with myself.
Another important exercise is to think some quality questions you might be able to ask in the right moment because remember – the quality of our lives depends on the quality of our questions. Mentally prepare yourself with these questions the same way. Some quality questions could be:
– Any new goals you’ve been working on?
– Any summer plans you are excited for?
– What do you like about your job?
Don’t forget to add in these little secret phrases that help to dig a bit deeper – “Tell me more” or “How did that feel?”
I find this helps to keep me sharp, gets the ball rolling and spontaneity can take its course the rest of the way. And if you don’t do any of this and stick to spontaneity – its also fun to see how well you know yourself in the moment, in the last few days and where you are at in life.
Have fun with this 🙂 and don’t forget to:
Show Up. Pay Attention. Participate.