
“If I’d learnt one thing from travelling, it was that the way to get things done was to go ahead and do them. Don’t talk about going to Borneo. Book a ticket, get a visa, pack a bag, and it just happens.”
― Alex Garland, The Beach

3.5 months, 105 days traveling solo around Europe – what a life changing adventure.

I left my life and continuously put myself in unfamiliar situations with little comfort other than my backpack in an attempt to grow and find some clarity. I had no responsibilities, distractions and no familiar friends or family. It forced me to be myself, be an adult, be a kid and live the only way I knew how to – which was to just be me. 

I created a video, documenting my adventure for my own memory and trying to give credit to all the people I befriended along the way and to hopefully share some inspiration for everyone else who feels stuck in their lives or are looking for something new. 

The magical marvels of the human experience. What make’s people tick? Why do we do what we do? What is your meaning? Maybe it’s not a meaning we are chasing but a feeling. 

I love learning about people and their perception of Life. Although we all encompass an individual and unique interpretation…there are definitely many universal similarities.

 Helping people 🙂 Taking care of mother earth 🙂 Taking care of yourself 🙂 Spending time with friends and family 🙂 Helping people 🙂 Discovering and pursuing hobbies 🙂 Helping people 🙂 Having and keeping a positive and optimistic view

Cappadocia Definition = land of beautiful horses

Imagine A World Of White. 

Listen as an old poem becomes reality